Modelling of Infectious Disease CEntre

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Publications related to "Imperfect Gold Standard Models"
Our publications
  1. Blacksell SD, Lim C, Tanganuchitcharnchai A, et al. Optimal cutoff and accuracy of an IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosis of acute scrub typhus in northern Thailand: an alternative reference method to the IgM immunofluorescence assay. J Clin Microbiol 2016; 54(6):1472-8.
  2. Lim C, Blacksell SD, Laongnualpanich A, et al. Optimal cutodd titers for indirect immunofluorescence assay for diagnosis of scrub typhus. J Clin Microbiol 2015; 53(11):3663-6.
  3. Lim C, Paris DH, Blacksell SD, et al. How to determine the accuracy of an alternative diagnostic test when it is actually better than the reference tests: a re-evaluation of diagnostic tests for scrub typhus using Bayesian LCMs. PLoS One 2015;5:e0114930.
  4. Limmathurotsakul D, Jamsen K, Arayawichanont A, et al. Defining the true sensitivity of culture for the diagnosis of melioidosis using Bayesian latent class models. PLoS One 2010;5:e12485.
  5. Limmathurotsakul D, Turner EL, Wuthiekanun V, et al. Fool's gold: why imperfect reference tests are undermining the evaluation of novel diagnostics: a reevaluation of 5 diagnostic tests for leptospirosis. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55(3):322-31
  6. Limmathurotsakul D, Chantratita N, Teerawattanasook N, et al. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of melioidosis: better than we thought. Clin Infect Dis 2011;52:1024-8.
  7. Pan-Ngum W, Blacksell S, Lubell Y, et al. Estimating the true accuracy of diagnostic tests for dengue infection using Bayesian latent class models. PLoS ONE 2012;8(1):e50765.
Recommended publications
  1. Hui SL, Walter SD. Estimating the error rates of diagnostic tests. Biometrics 1980;36:167-71.
  2. Xiao HZ, McClish DK, Obuchowski NA. Methods for Correcting Imperfect Standard Bias. Statistical Methods in Diagnostic Medicine: Wiley-Interscience; 2002. 
  3. Joseph L, Gyorkos TW, Coupal L. Bayesian estimation of disease prevalence and the parameters of diagnostic tests in the absence of a gold standard. Am J Epidemiol 1995; 141: 263-272.
  4. Dendukuri N, Joseph L. Bayesian approaches to modeling the conditional dependence between multiple diagnostic tests. Biometrics 2001;57:158-67.
  5. Toft N, Jorgensen E, Hojsgaard S. Diagnosing diagnostic tests: evaluating the assumptions underlying the estimation of sensitivity and specificity in the absence of a gold standard. Prev Vet Med 2005; 68: 19-33.
  6. Goetghebeur E, Liinev J, Boelaert M, Van der Stuyft P. Diagnostic test analyses in search of their gold standard: latent class analyses with random effects. Stat Methods Med Res 2000; 9: 231-248. 
Other web applications for imperfect gold standard models
  1. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University
Publications related to "Models of Malaria infection"
  1. Saralamba S, Pan-Ngum W, Maude RJ, et al. Intrahost modeling of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2011;108:397-402.
  2. Hoshen MB, Na-Bangchang K, Stein WD, Ginsburg H. Mathematical modelling of the chemotherapy of Plasmodium falciparum malaria with artesunate: postulation of 'dormancy', a partial cytostatic effect of the drug, and its implication for treatment regimens. Parasitology 2000;121 ( Pt 3):237-46.
  3. Gravenor MB, van Hensbroek MB, Kwiatkowski D. Estimating sequestered parasite population dynamics in cerebral malaria. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1998;95:7620-4.
  4. White NJ, Chapman D, Watt G. The effects of multiplication and synchronicity on the vascular distribution of parasites in falciparum malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1992;86:590-7.
  5. Kwiatkowski D, Nowak M. Periodic and chaotic host-parasite interactions in human malaria. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1991;88:5111-3.
  6. Anderson RM, May RM, Gupta S. Non-linear phenomena in host-parasite interactions. Parasitology 1989;99 Suppl:S59-79.